Main Tech Stack

Tools and other technologies
Bash | Bitbucket | Blade | Bootstrap | Composer | CSS | C# | Digital Ocean | Docker | Filament | Forge | Git | Github | jQuery | HTML | Inertia JS | Ionic | Linux | Livewire | MS SQL Server | MySQL | Node | NPM | NGINX | PHPUnit | Postman | React JS | RESTful API | SOLID | Tailwind CSS | Trello | TypeScript | Vitest | Vultr | Wordpress |

Featured Projects

Open Source




  • Billing System for a Sport Facility
  • Buildings Administration
  • Claims Management System
  • Court Booking mobile App
  • CrossFit gym mobile App
  • ERP SaaS
  • Event Venue Management
  • Gym Management
  • Human Resource Management System
  • Integration with a Sport Fields Booking System
  • Integration with Facial Detection Access System
  • Integration with Payment Gateway (Bancard)
  • Invoice processing module for a mobile App with OCR/Azure
  • Land Management
  • LEMP installation on linux servers
  • Project Management
  • Real Estate Website
  • Request for Quotation (RFQ) System
  • School mobile App
  • Shopping mall mobile App
  • Voucher System
  • Web platform for Gym Trainers
  • Webservice between a Billing System and Microsoft Dynamics 365

Contact Me

Developed by Luis Leguizamón